Myoelectric caj npab prostheses nrog ib qib ntawm kev ywj pheej rau BE

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Khoom npe Myo tes BE carbon fiber
Yam khoom NO.PEB-2C
Xim Carbon fiber dub
Cov khoom siv carbon fiber
Cov khoom hnyav 280g
Product Detail 1. 3 lossis 5 ntiv tes muaj.
2. kev ua ntawm tes tuaj yeem tswj tau los ntawm myoelectricity
3. Lub dab teg sib koom ua ke tuaj yeem tig tau.
4.Waterproof, anti-EMI (mobile, xov tooj, thiab lwm yam) thiab ob qhov ntev muaj nuj nqi yog xaiv tau
5. haum rau nruab nrab, luv, ntev stump ntawm forearm
6.Warranty lub sij hawm: 2 xyoo txij li hnub xa khoom.

  • FOB Nqe:US $0.5 - 2500 / Daim
  • Min. Order Quantity:10 Daim / Daim
  • Muaj peev xwm muab khoom:10000 Daim / Daim ib lub hli
  • Artificial limb:Myo tes BE carbon fiber
  • Product Detail

    Khoom cim npe

    Khoom npe Myoelectric caj npab prostheses nrog ib qib ntawm kev ywj pheej rau BE
    Yam khoom NO. PEB-2C
    Xim Carbon fiber dub
    Khoom siv Carbon fiber ntau
    Khoom hnyav 350g ua
    Product Detail 1. 3 lossis 5 ntiv tes muaj.2. kev ua ntawm tes tuaj yeem tswj tau los ntawm myoelectricity.

    3. Lub dab teg sib koom ua ke tuaj yeem tig tau.

    4.Waterproof, anti-EMI (mobile, xov tooj, thiab lwm yam) thiab ob qhov ntev muaj nuj nqi yog xaiv tau.

    5. haum rau nruab nrab, luv, ntev stump ntawm forearm.

    Tuam txhab Profile

    .Kev lag luam hom: Chaw tsim tshuaj paus / Hoobkas

    .Main khoom: Prosthetic qhov chaw, orthotic qhov chaw

    .Experience: Ntau tshaj 15 xyoo.

    Kev tswj hwm qhov system: ISO 13485

    .Qhov chaw: Luancheng District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, Suav

    Packing & shipping:

    .Cov khoom ua ntej nyob rau hauv ib lub hnab shockproof, ces muab tso rau hauv ib lub thawv me me, ces muab tso rau hauv ib lub thawv dimension, Packing yog haum rau lub hiav txwv thiab huab cua nkoj.

    .Export thawv hnyav: 25-30kgs.

    .Export thawv Dimension:

    45 * 35 * 39cm

    90 * 45 * 35cm

    FOB chaw nres nkoj:

    .Tianjin, Beijing, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Shanghai.

    Kev Them Nyiaj thiab Kev Xa Khoom

    Kev Them Nyiaj: T / T, Western Union, L / C.

    .Lub sij hawm xa tuaj: tsis pub dhau 3- 7 hnub tom qab tau txais cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm.

    Nco ntsoov siv myoelectric tswj prosthesis

    1. Ua ntej hnav prosthetic, ua ntej xyuas lub electrode nto seb puas muaj roj los yog tsis, stump nto nrog ib daim phuam ntub dej tuaj yeem ua rau cov electrode thiab cov tawv nqaij sib cuag zoo.

    2 .Lub roj teeb hloov nyob rau hauv txoj hauj lwm kaw, hnav ib tug prosthesis, cov leeg nyob rau hauv ib tug so ntawm lub xeev, rov ua dua ob peb zaug, xws li extension thiab flexion, cia lub electrode thiab nto ntawm cov nqaij ntshiv tag nrho, thiab ces qhib lub roj teeb hloov ua haujlwm. ntawm.

    3. Yog hais tias lub prosthesis tsis ua, los yog tuav ib tug tej lub xeev rau ib ntev lub sij hawm, lub roj teeb lub hwj chim yuav tsum tau hloov.

    4. Lub roj teeb hloov yuav tsum tau muab tua ua ntej lub prosthesis raug tshem tawm.

    5. Yog hais tias tus prosthesis yog txawv txav los yog malfunction, lub roj teeb lub hwj chim yuav tsum muab tua.

    6. Lub roj teeb lithium yuav tsum tau them nrog lub roj teeb lithium nrog qhov tshwj xeeb.Cov kev siv tshwj xeeb pom cov lus qhia ntawm lub charger.

    7. Prosthesis yuav tsum tsis txhob noj ntau tshaj 1 kg ntawm cov khoom.

    8. Cov khoom siv ntawm cov khoom siv tes ua yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj dej thiab tawm hws, kom tsis txhob muaj kev sib tsoo hnyav.

    9. Prosthesis txwv tsis pub sib cais ntawm tus kheej.

    10. Yog tias pom qhov tshwm sim ntawm daim tawv nqaij ua xua, lub electrode yuav tsum tau hloov nyob rau hauv tmeand yog hais tias lub corrsion ntawm electrode phaj, lub haum electrode yuav tsum tau hloov,

    11. Cov hnab looj tes silicone yuav tsum tsis txhob kov cov khoom ntse

    Feem ntau ua txhaum thiab kev kho mob ntawm myoelectric tswj prosthesis

    1. Qhib lub hwj chim, lub prosthesis tsis teb, qhov no yog lub hwj chim mov tsis txuas, xyuas seb lub roj teeb puas muaj hluav taws xob.

    2. Tig lub hwj chim, prosthesis txav mus rau qhov txwv poson f qhib los yog kaw, cov electrode thiab cov tawv nqaij tsis zoo los yog rhiab heev, xyuas seb cov tawv nqaij qhuav dhau lawm, lossis tuaj yeem kho qhov loj me me.

    3. Lub prosthesis tsuas yog stretched (los yog flex), uas yog cased los ntawm ib tug qhib lub electrodecheck lub connecting kab ntawm lub electrode, los yog hloov lub electrode.

    Guarantee tus nqi

    1. Cov khoom raug ua tiav "3 lav", lub sijhawm lav yog ob xyoos (roj teeb, silicone hnab looj tes tshwj tsis yog).

    2. Rau cov khoom dhau lub sijhawm lav, lub Hoobkas yog lub luag haujlwm rau kev saib xyuas, raws li qhov tsim nyog, los sau cov nqi kho

    3. Vim yog kev siv tsis raug ntawm cov neeg tsim kev puas tsuaj, lub Hoobkas muaj lub luag haujlwm rau kev saib xyuas, kev saib xyuas tus nqi them

    4. yog tias qhov kev puas tsuaj dhau lub sij hawm lav ntawm lub prosthesis lub tuam txhab muab kev saib xyuas, tsuas yog sau sevice thiab tus nqi them.

  • Yav dhau los:
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